Monday, August 20, 2018

New Things All 'Round

Hooray! My new novel is up. Check it out in paperback for a good long wank, or read it on your e-reader to leave no trace! I'm very excited about this, as you can tell. My old professor would give me a good hard spanking for all these exclamation marks...mmm, but what's wrong with that, anyway?

And I, as many bloggers do, apologize for the long absence.  Please forgive me. It's been a whirlwind, but I'm back in business now. So much has happened...Of course I took copious notes! I am going to attempt to go back and fill in the story. I'll backdate it, for ease of reading.

Other news: I've been working on my next erotic romance novel. There will be a big reveal next year as to what era it will take place in. I'm also going to be posting some stories on Literotica, so stay tuned- I believe I can link to there here.

Til next time,

xox Bunny

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